Vanlido Program

The main objective of the workshop was to learn personal protective equipment for women and how to reduce (stop) aggression. Mechanical behavior is born of internal impotence, understanding and turning them into personal empowerment and security.

Vanlido program is organized for those who suffered from domestic. The main idea behind organizing Vanliodo training program is that women who suffered from domestic violence will be able to heal and be able to express the experience they went through and learn to cure them in upcoming future.

In this Program, participant women will share their experience of violence from which they suffered including abusive comments, being seen inappropriately, and many more severe forms of harassment and aggression they encountered. 

During this workshop, many participant womens shared details of situations of domestic violence they faced in their families or were ongoing. Also, participants collectively shared some of the common violent issues faced by the problem and brainstormed on solving those situations and thought on creative ways to counter them.


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