Village Level Meetings

The effort behind the many meetings held by the Manch at the village level was to unite different types of groups and introduce the Manch to the people at the village level, and at the same time take the matter of the organisation forward. For this many meetings were organised by our women workers in the villages divided into panchayats. These meetings not only increase the membership of the forum, but such an atmosphere is created within it. Creates a place where people can gather and interact with each other. This also helps the platform to put forth its point and reach out to more and more women. 

“What is the need of organisation?” or “What is this organisation?” As such questions emerge which take us towards a thoughtful step, and give us a chance to put our point in front of the people. Under this, guidance is also given on schemes coming in Panchayat, legal information like (ICDS), Integrated Child Development Scheme, MNREGA, domestic violence and other schemes. Through these meetings, many public issues come out which become part of our workshop and the women of the village get a place outside their homes.

Problem's We Solve

Violence Problem

The platform is determined to raise its voice against violence of any kind! That’s why when any issue related to violence comes up in village level meetings, it is taken up on priority basis. Such as domestic violence, sexual violence, sexual violence at work place or molestation and caste related violence.

Water & Electricity Problems

In order to solve the problem of water and electricity during the village level meetings, the concerned families are told about the problem by taking the affected families together to the concerned departments by the facility provider. Fixes a time limit for solving the problem with the department and as soon as the consent letter is taken from the department as proof, if the work is not done within the time limit given by the department, then it is re-investigated and lobbied by the forum.

Non-Availability Of Work In MANREGA

The main problems faced by the job card holder members till date is not getting the work on time and if got then not getting the money on time. To deal with this problem, first of all take the members to the Panchayat and get the work application done by filling the number 4 form. Along with this, all the members participating in the village level meetings, participating in the sub-gram assembly and gram assembly, get all the works of their village put together in the self, so that whenever the job card holder needs work, he can get the work. ! Helping someone who hasn’t got a job card in getting a job card made. Along with this, MNREGA law is told and made aware in the meetings. Apart from this, awareness is made about the facilities available from the Labor Welfare Board associated with MNREGA so that the MNREGA worker can get the benefit of all those facilities.

social Security pension

During the meetings, information about many government entitlements and schemes is given. At that time, the members who are in need of various government security passions keep their point in the meeting. They are helped and guided in preparing the necessary documents and are also informed about where the forms are to be submitted. They are provided with all the information that is needed from applying for social security pension to getting the pension, in which the platform tries its best so that the needy members can get benefits as soon as possible.

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